--固定资产模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='FA' and ctype='ddate'; --可省 and (cid='601'or cid='05'or cid='603'OR CID='602' OR CID='03'OR CID='06') update gl_mend set bflag_FA=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'FA'); --工资模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='wa' and ctype='ddate'; --可省 and (cid='601'or cid='05'or cid='603') update gl_mend set bflag_Wa=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'Wa'); --采购模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='PU' and ctype='ddate'; --可省 and (cid='602'or cid='122'or cid='167') update gl_mend set bflag_PU=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'PU'); --销售模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='SA' and ctype='ddate'; --可省 and (cid='602'or cid='143'or cid='215') update gl_mend set bflag_SA=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'SA'); --库存模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='st' and ctype='ddate'; --可省 and (cid='602'or cid='143') update gl_mend set bflag_st=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'st'); --存货模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='IA' and ctype='ddate'; --可省 and (cid='602'or cid='104') update gl_mend set bflag_IA=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'IA'); --应收模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='AR' and ctype='ddate'; --可省 and (cid='29'or cid='11') update gl_mend set bflag_AR=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'AR'); --应付模块反启用: update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='AP' and ctype='ddate' --可省 and (cid='24'or cid='09') update gl_mend set bflag_AP=0; delete ufsystem..ua_account_sub where (cacc_id='001') and (cSub_Id = 'AP'); --GSP质量管理模块反启用 update accinformation set cvalue='' where csysid='GS' and ctype='ddate'; update gl_mend set bflag_GS=0 ; delete from ufsystem..ua_account_sub where cacc_id='001' and csub_id='GS'
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